Friday Finds: Whitney Eve

This week flew by but I kind of love when that happens because it means two things – first, it’s the weekend and second, I lived through another week of school! Ok, school isn’t that bad but I am counting down the days.

Earlier this week, I did my usual rounds of thrift shopping and to put it lightly, I did good.

My favorite piece this week by far that I came across is this tank by Whitney Eve. Yeah, you know just The Hills star, Whitney Port’s fashion line.


What I love so much about this top is the print. The photos don’t do it justice, let me tell you. The colors in it are stunningly gorgeous and reminds me of an old mosaic painting or a stained glass window.


Besides fitting me like a glove while still remaining effortlessly chic, I snagged this one for a mere $5… If you think that is some cruel joke, I am not kidding.

Like last weeks post, it pays (literally) to bargain hunt! Happy Friday, everyone and hope your weekend is amazing as always!


Friday Finds: Calvin Klein


Happy Friday everyone! I cannot believe it is the final week of February – man time flies! I hope you all are looking forward to the weekend and to send you off on a happy note, I’ve decided to dedicate Friday’s to my fabulous find & buys! From clothing to accessories to housewares to makeup, every Friday I hope to share with you guys about some cheap chic treasures of mine!


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So, after having gone shopping a couple of weeks ago just for the sake of shopping (who needs a reason!) I came across these little Calvin Klein heels. Now, I was NOT looking for anything in particular but once I saw these after countless hours browsing and having no luck, I knew I just had to have ’em.

The best part? I got them for a steal! Marked down to $56 from $152! Yes, you’re reading that right.

Just goes to show how it pays to really look when you’re shopping.



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