Friday Finds: Calvin Klein


Happy Friday everyone! I cannot believe it is the final week of February – man time flies! I hope you all are looking forward to the weekend and to send you off on a happy note, I’ve decided to dedicate Friday’s to my fabulous find & buys! From clothing to accessories to housewares to makeup, every Friday I hope to share with you guys about some cheap chic treasures of mine!


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So, after having gone shopping a couple of weeks ago just for the sake of shopping (who needs a reason!) I came across these little Calvin Klein heels. Now, I was NOT looking for anything in particular but once I saw these after countless hours browsing and having no luck, I knew I just had to have ’em.

The best part? I got them for a steal! Marked down to $56 from $152! Yes, you’re reading that right.

Just goes to show how it pays to really look when you’re shopping.



PS – Follow me on Twitter & Instagram! ❤

Word Wednesday: 5 Amazing Online Shopping Sites

onlineshopHappy Hump Day!

It’s my first WORD WEDNESDAY! What I plan on doing every Wednesday is to share my thoughts, lists, or anything else that would fall into the category of being ‘wordy’!

I am a BIG shopper in general but now with this wonderful thing called the ‘internet’, my shopping addiction has only gotten worse (for my wallet). This week’s Word Wednesday is a quick post on my top 5 online shopping websites.

    Probably not a surprise to anyone if you already shop online. If you don’t, make sure you add this one to your favorites. has it all, I swear. Free worldwide shipping too!
    I’ve ordered from ROMWE several times and while I have had to pay duty on some of my purchases, they do have free worldwide shipping as well.
  3. TOBI.COM is by far one of my favorite sites, hence why it made the cut! They newly announced FREE worldwide shipping while before there was a small fee. Their dresses are nothing short of amazing.
    I have yet to purchase something from but that is probably because it wasn’t until recently did I find out about the site. Again, free shipping! A girl has got to love that.
    This site is very similar to ROMWE both in terms of layout as well as products. However, often has crazy deals which to a girl on a budget, is music to the ears!

Share in the comments some of your favorite online shopping websites!



Hello blogosphere!

Welcome to The Cheap Chic Monologues! I am super excited to have finally taken a leap of faith in creating my very own blog where I can share all I love about fashion, beauty and lifestyle. I am still learning the ins and the outs on how this all works so I ask that you bear with me but I plan on being a pro in no time (fingers and toes crossed!)

If you are wondering `what`s in the name`; Cheap Chic Monologues – well, I`ll put it simply. I love fashion, everything about it and what I plan to do with this blog is to express my love for fashion and all things life. Hence, the whole `monologue` idea. 

Just like that – the first blog post is a wrap! I am so looking forward to this new beginning and can`t wait to grow. 

